Work permit lawyer in Dublin, Ireland

Looking for a Work Permit Lawyer in Dublin Ireland ? Immigration Lawyer Dublin is the perfect fit for you. With our years of experience in matching you with the perfect lawyer you need, we know exactly what to do and how to have your application approved.

Work Permit Lawyer in Dublin

Ireland has two employment permits to offer for Non-EU citizens. Of course, if you are an EU citizen then you don’t need any permit to come and work in Ireland, however, if you are not an EU citizen and want to come and work here, you will need an employment permit. That’s why you will need a work permit lawyer.

Even if you end up with a work permit lawyer in Ireland, this article will help you as it never harms to know more about the process you will be going through.

That’s why we prepared this extensive guide to help you get started.

Employment Permit Lawyers in Ireland

The latest employment permit act in Ireland was made in February 2016. This 2016 update made everything simple and Ireland now have two work permit types to offer for anyone who wants to come and work in Ireland.

The types are the General Employment Permit and the Critical Skills Employment Permit.

Within this two broad categories, there are 7 options for you to go with. Of course, make sure that you are taking proper suggestion from either an immigration solicitor in Ireland or a work permit lawyer here. But you should also know about the options yourself.

Here’re your Employment Permit Options

  • General employment permit
  • Work permit for Dependent/Partner/Spouse
  • Critical Skills Work Permit
  • Reactivation of Work/Employment from a Previous Time
  • Contract Work Permit
  • Intra or Inter Company Transfer
  • Sports and Cultural Work Permit
  • Regular or Special Exchange Agreement
  • Based on our experience, we know that almost all Non EU members who are interested to come and work in Ireland come via either general or Critical work permit. A healthy number of them have now also started to get their work permit with Dependent/Partner and Spouse options. Ireland also has a very popular Decent based immigration that you can look into.

    If you want to know more please visit this article : WORK PERMITS – IRELAND – ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW

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